DAVID GROUP (PT David Sistem Group) globally to expand, accelerate and execute manufacturing electronics, cybersecurity software infrastructures and R&D for malware analysis and technologies optimization to improvise global cyber stability.
1. Data Privacy and Security (MSSP) 2. Special Function Phone 3. Special Configuration IP Camera 4. Threats Incident Response 5. PV Solar Systems Energy 6. Secured Native VPN 7. Cybersecurity International Certified 8. Competency Improvement Program 9. Signal and Antenna Propagation 10. Cybersecurity Workshop and Seminar 11. Special Function Drone (multirotor) 12. Internet Security Software 13. Rural Internet Solutions (Wireless) 14. Electronics for Special Purpose 15. Machine Learning and AI 16. Monitoring and Surveillance
DAVID GROUP Vision: Become an effective multi-national cybersecurity company from Indonesia
Official Website: davidgroup.co.id Official Crunchbase: crunchbase.com/organization/davidgroup